Comprehensive preparation for an ever-changing world.

Ministry is not one-dimensional—so neither can be your preparation.
Westminster incorporates deep study with relational investment across the facets of ministry and calling. Through this integrated approach, you will catalyze lifelong formation and connections that can sustain you for a lifetime of ministry.
Westminster aims to equip leaders with integrated training that connects:
Physical & Digital
Bridging the gap between a physical campus and online platforms ensures every corner of the global church can be trained with excellence.

Campus Experience
Westminster’s campus is located in Glenside, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. Campus life offers the opportunity for the kind of deep community and discipleship that comes through sharing daily life.
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Online Experience
Online programs also provide platforms for intentional connection with peers and instructors. Through robust digital platforms, you will be connected with diverse and experienced peers that meet together regularly online.
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Mind & Practice
Integrating instruction of the mind with practical training and residency experiences aims to enable readiness for all roles and stages of ministry.

Degree Programs
Because Scripture is profound, the demands of ministry are profound, and the needs of the global church are profound, so must be our preparation. Our degree programs aim to equip you with the academic and practical tools necessary for a lifetime of scholarship or ministry.
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Ministry Experience
An integral part of your preparation is practical training for Christian praxis in church and society. Our degree programs prepare you for future life beyond the classroom by getting you out of the classroom during your time here. Through ministry practicums, intentional discipleship, and field excursions, you will experience what it means to be a minister of the gospel in a multitude of facets and roles.
Truth & Love
Pairing a deep knowledge of theological truths with the call to sacrificial love encourages students to draw near to God and each other.

Our Mission & Values
Westminster is committed to Scripture and to the systematic exposition of biblical truth reflected in the Reformed tradition. These commitments undergird each degree program we offer.
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Student Experience
Through online and in-person opportunities for fellowship, prayer, and worship, Westminster aims to help you grow in spiritual maturity, Christ-like character, and servant leadership.
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Near & Far
Reinforcing deep commitment to both the local and global church expands understanding of God and his work throughout the world.
alumni presently serve churches in over 50 countries
alumni presently teach as professors at schools around the world
alumni have founded and led schools and seminaries across the globe
Student & Alumni Preparing for Far Greater:
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