Biblical Language Certificates (BLC)

Westminster's Biblical Language Certificate programs offer two distinct certificates for men and women who wish to further their biblical language education and faithfully and effectively read Scripture from the original text.

Deadline to apply for the BLC is 8/12/25.
Who is a good fit for our online language certificate programs?

Christians looking to enhance their study of Scripture by going beyond simple word study tools

Current full-time ministers and pastors who need biblical language refreshment to aid in their exegetical skills

Lay leaders (elders, deacons, small group leaders) in church who desire to be further equipped in ministry

Non-ministry professionals and stay-at-home parents who need flexibility in their studies while working

Those who desire graduate-level courses from Westminster but do not desire to enter a full degree program

Prospective students who would like to sample Westminster’s online seminary training 

Prospective students who desire to complete a full degree, but who have been waitlisted from another program that requires language training

at a glance



Years To Complete


Credit Transferable to Degree Programs

Average Cost per Term


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“Mastering the Bible's original languages is like viewing the Scriptures in high definition.”

current online student
Language training
Westminster’s Biblical Language Certificate Programs offer two distinct graduate certificate tracks that focus on either the study of biblical Hebrew or biblical Greek.
Engage with the original text of Scripture in Hebrew, and see the beauty of how God has spoken throughout redemptive history. The Biblical Hebrew Certificate will equip you to read, exegete, and unlock the drama behind each passage.
Hebrew Coursework
3 courses
  • OT 011: Hebrew 1

  • Know 80% of Hebrew vocabulary needed to read the Old Testament by the end of your first course.

  • Start reading through your Hebrew Bible at the end of Hebrew 1.

  • Begin to experience the Word of God in higher definition by your sixth class, noticing things like the importance of word order. You might read in the English version “‘you are righteous,” but the meaning is more like “you are RIGHTEOUS,” with an emphasis on “righteous.”

  • Translate 1 Kings 18, and walk through Genesis 22 (the sacrifice of Isaac).

  • OT 012: Hebrew 2

  • Read Judges 3 and dive into the whole of Genesis 1, with an eye to unlocking the drama behind Hebrew narrative. In Judges 3, you’ll see the incredible humorist author, who introduces “Eglon” as “a very fat man.” The word ‘eglon’ in Hebrew also suggests “calf.” And what do you do with a fattened calf? This is the excitement of reading Scripture in the original text, that you can’t get in translation.

  • Develop a sensitivity to nuances in the narrative that highlight significant layers of meaning as you read Hebrew 2 and 3.

  • OT 013: Hebrew 3

  • You can now read the Hebrew biblical text at a high level of fluency. You’ll even write your own psalm.

  • Work through Jonah, Ruth, many Psalms, and other biblical narratives.

  • Note: Discourse analysis is not covered in online Hebrew 3. This is more of a reading fluency course. Speak to an admissions counselor about the differences between what is covered in our online and residential formats.

Opportunity to Transfer Credits
  • Credits are fully transferable to the MATS, MAC, MDiv, and MAR programs

  • Exception: to transfer Hebrew 3 online into the residential MDiv or MAR, students must complete a discourse analysis (DA) ‘conversion packet’

  • No prior knowledge needed!

  • ​​Starting on day one, you are immersed in Greek or Hebrew—already seeing texts from the Bible itself (and not merely sentences manufactured by grammarians). 

  • Even early on, you start to see and hear the Bible in higher definition—picking up nuances in meaning and emphasis that translations of the Bible cannot convey.

  • Our instructors work with you, even reading the text devotionally early on, to begin exposing you to greater depth in the text. Even language learning at WTS inspires worship!

  • You will be taught by expert instructors who have been highly trained in WTS’ method of language acquisition, who have been through the program themselves, and who are highly committed to your success.

  • Language learning is best with others. Join a small community of language learners, meeting weekly together, under the guidance of our experts.

  • These certificates are very demanding, but also very doable for those who can devote the time. Each course requires an average 8-10 hours per week, for 12 weeks.

  • By the end of each certificate, you will achieve such an advanced level of proficiency that you will be able to read the Greek and Hebrew texts of Scripture fluently.

Develop a Christ-centered approach to exegeting and reading Scripture. Westminster’s Biblical Greek Certificate will provide you with the tools to faithfully read, exegete, and interpret from the original text. Learn how to peel back the translation decisions made in English Bible translations and interpret on a deeper level.
Greek Coursework
3 courses
  • NT 001: Greek 1 

  • Focus primarily on mastering the alphabet, vocabulary, and introductory grammar.

  • Read short sentences from the New Testament and Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, or “LXX”).

  • NT 002: Greek 2

  • Your grammar learning will be largely complete after this course, allowing you to read almost anything in Greek with a lexicon.

  • Successfully read the prologue of John and all of Philemon on your own.

  • Enter into biblical interpretation and wider swathes of the New Testament.

  • NT 003: Greek 3

  • Start to peel back the translation decisions made in English Bible translations and interpret on a deeper level.

  • Focus on intermediate to advanced grammar and mapping logical and narrative connections in discourse analysis.

  • Elaborate upon any text's relationship to Jesus Christ and the gospel, and be able to situate the meaning of any passage within the redemptive-historical plot line of Scripture, making initial connections to present-day application

Opportunity to Transfer Credits
  • Fully transferable to the MATS, MAC, MDiv, and MAR programs

  • No prior knowledge needed!

  • Starting on day one, you are immersed in Greek or Hebrew—already seeing texts from the Bible itself (and not merely sentences manufactured by grammarians).

  • Even early on, you start to see and hear the Bible in higher definition—picking up nuances in meaning and emphasis that translations of the Bible cannot convey.

  • Our instructors work with you, even reading the text devotionally early on, to begin exposing you to greater depth in the text. Even language learning at WTS inspires worship!

  • You will be taught by expert instructors who have been highly trained in WTS’ method of language acquisition, who have been through the program themselves, and who are highly committed to your success.

  • Language learning is best with others. Join a small community of language learners, meeting weekly together, under the guidance of our experts.

  • Westminster's language certificates are very demanding, but also very doable for those who can devote the time. Each course requires an average 8-10 hours per week, for 12 weeks.

  • By the end of each certificate, you will achieve such an advanced level of proficiency that you will be able to read the Greek and Hebrew texts of Scripture fluently.

Sample Westminster’s 100% Online Biblical Language Certificate Courses

Our online courses deliver high quality content in an engaging format that allows you to pause, rewind, and replay lessons at your own pace.

Available 100% Online

To better equip the global church, Westminster offers two Biblical Language Certificates fully online.

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A better way to learn online, for when you need to stay.

Greater flexibility that fits your life.

Engaging and innovative classroom environment.

Easy-to-use technology connects you to a global community.

Immediate application in life and ministry.


Deep community and discipleship through shared daily life.

Programs intentionally crafted for ministry preparation and deep academic study.

Unparalleled access to expert faculty who are invested in your life and ministry.

Life-on-life fellowship in a diverse and like-minded community.

Communal rhythms of prayer and worship woven into all areas of campus life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see more details about these courses?

Check out our courses at a glance for more information.

When are these courses and how long are they?

Courses are twelve weeks long and appear only in the following terms: summer, fall, spring, in alignment with our Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Religion programs calendars.

Will the grade be recorded on the student’s transcript?

Yes. Any course that a student takes for credit must be recorded on a transcript.

What happens if a student wants to “mix and match”? An example situation would be for a student who may want to use their Greek and Hebrew to transfer into another institution that doesn’t require three levels of each language. Would there be a CERT option where a student could take a level or two of each language?

A "combined language certificate" may be possible. For now, interested students should speak with Student Success. If there’s demand, this could become a more publicized option.

I’m in high school. Can I take these courses?

This is theoretically possible. We are already allowed to admit students without bachelor’s degrees, as long as they have 20+ college credits. Speak to an admissions counselor for more information.

What if I want to move from studying Hebrew online to studying Hebrew in an on-campus (residential) program?

Because of differences between Hebrew 3 online and residentially, students need to learn Hebrew discourse analysis. Students switching from online to residential may either test out of discourse analysis by completing independent work in a "conversion packet", or audit Hebrew 3 residentially and then test out. The process for transferring is handled by Student Success and Dr. Gibson, who assesses student performance. 

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