Prepare for the profound call of







Compare Degree programs

The demands of the call are profound, so must be our preparation.

At Westminster’s first convocation, our founder J. Gresham Machen vowed that Westminster would not provide training of “the customary superficial kind.”  Westminster would be a place of profound preparation—and this still drives us today. Our degree programs are intentionally designed as an integrated experience that will equip you with the academic and practical tools necessary to serve Christ’s church faithfully.


In today’s ever-changing world, preparation must be grounded in the unchanging Word of God.

All Westminster programs, no matter the level, format, or discipline, are grounded in deep study of the Scriptures. Our aim is to train specialists in the Bible to proclaim the whole counsel of God for Christ and his global church.


Our degree programs are designed to equip you with the academic and practical tools necessary for a lifetime of scholarship or ministry.


Our faculty are passionate about equipping you to mine the riches of God’s Word at unparalleled depth.

Study courses are written and delivered by our expert faculty, whether on-campus or through online formats. Westminster faculty teach from personal experience and scholarship, having also served all over the world as professors, counselors, pastors, missionaries, and in other ministerial roles.

Rev. Dr. Scott Oliphint

“At Westminster students learn to use the most powerful weapon in apologetics, the Word of God (2 Cor. 10:5). Scripture provides both the foundation for apologetics, and the diagnostic tools needed for wise persuasion as we defend and commend the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Rev. Dr. Jonathan Gibson

Old Testament
“As preachers we ought to have nothing to say except what God has said. And what God has said is what the text of Scripture says. This is why exegesis is the engine room of our curriculum.”

Rev. Dr. Todd Rester

Church history
“Westminster Theological Seminary offers some of the most intense training in church history of all seminaries around the world. In requiring a broad knowledge of church history we are both continuing a tradition begun at the time of the Westminster Assembly and recognizing that we can best understand where we are as a church and as a culture if we know where we have been.”

Rev. Dr. John Currie

Pastoral Theology
“Our desire is to be used by the Head of the Church to equip the next generation of pastors with the character, convictions, and competencies to be God-glorifying, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, mission-leading, Men of God who can be sent by the Church to proclaim Christ from all of Scripture and fulfill his Great Commission.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between online and on-campus formats?

All class formats deliver the same high-quality course material. Campus programs require students to take all courses at our campus in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Online programs deliver courses through state-of-the-art digital platforms. Hybrid options are course-specific depending on the available seats for any given class.  

Can I audit online courses?

No, auditing is currently not available. However, many students enroll to take single courses or begin their studies by taking non-accredited versions of our counseling courses through the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.

Can I take a single class as a visiting student?

Yes. Visiting students can take one course in the MAC or MATS without being enrolled in one of Westminster’s degree programs. The course is taken for-credit, just as in a master's degree program. Visiting students will get the full student experience working in small groups and completing all work and assignments. Completed courses can be credited to any future Westminster online degree program into which you’re admitted. For more information, contact us.

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