The purpose of the Charles and Alice McGowan scholarships is to aid dedicated and gifted Christian students to prepare for entering pastoral ministry, with a view to their own service to Christ and his church emulating the pastoral wisdom, grace, and gospel-rich influence of Dr. Charles McGowan.

With Mrs. Alice McGowan at his side, the Reverend Dr. Charles McGowan has planted and pastored churches in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. His ministry within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), including his service as its twenty-fourth assembly moderator in 1996, has delivered far-ranging impact. His ongoing ministry crosses denominational lines through McGowan Search, Dr. McGowan’s ministry assists “Kingdom focused congregations who are seeking high impact spiritual leaders” to secure new pastors.

MEET The McGowan Scholars
Mitchell C. Gaskin

Ministerial Aspirations
I am hoping to be a minister of the Word of God. As of late, my interest in perhaps studying modern Hebrew as a means to the end of evangelizing Jews in Israel has been growing. My utmost aspiration, however, is simply to be in whatever position God places me in.

Prayer Requests
-That God would help me to understand the gospel from Scripture experientially. 
-That he would clarify my call and provide me with opportunities.
-That my evangelistic zeal and know-how would increase even now. 
-That faith in Christ would drive out all fear of man.

Scott Moore

Ministerial Aspirations
As I pursue ordination in the PCA, I am also actively in communication with Mission to World (MTW) about serving the church in Japan and am currently pursuing a summer internship in Tokyo with missionary church planters. In preparation for this, I am currently taking "Christian Encounters with Asian Traditions", an apologetics class focused on understanding and confronting prominent East Asian spiritualities.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for me as I officially go under care with my presbytery, further explore a possible call to Japan, and battle the seasonal blues as fall turns into winter.

Nicklaus Hart

Wife: Brooke
Children: Ezra, Eli, & Lewis

Ministerial Aspirations
As I cannot be certain what the Lord may call me to at the completion of my degree program, it is my hope to remain faithful to him in whatever he deems right, which involves my continued cooperation within the Orthodox Presbyterian Church‘s licensure and ordination process.

Prayer Requests
Pray for diligence in my studies over the next two years. Please also pray for my wife, who is expecting our fourth child, and for our family, which continues to endure, with joy, the burden of this busy season.

Joseph Scherschligt

Wife: Myranda
Children: Benjamin

Ministerial Aspirations
After seminary I would love to be an associate pastor or 1-year intern at an OPC church so that I can learn the ropes of ministry under a mentoring pastor.

Prayer Requests
Pray that a ministry position would open up and that God would lead us into that call.

Nate Fowler

Wife: Katie
Children: Justus & Salem

Ministerial Aspirations
After graduation, I hope to apply for a year-long (or 2-year) full-time paid internship at a PCA church while preparing for licensure and ordination exams. After this, I hope to seek a call for an associate pastorate in the PCA. I have interests in youth ministry, men's ministry, music leadership, hymn-writing, and overseas mission work in Latin America and Africa. We shall see what the Lord ordains.

Prayer Requests
1. Faithfulness- Please pray for diligence in my current labors, maintaining integrity and purpose. As well as diligence and stamina for Katie as she teaches our children.

2. Family- Please pray for my family as we grieve the passing of my grandmother, as we endure much sickness and have consequently missed several church services, as our children grow in faith, and as our hearts prepare for graduation and a future job.

3. Finances- Please praise the Lord with us as we have been allotted a larger financial donation by our home church, Mercy PCA in Forest, VA, for living expenses this year. Please pray that we would steward these well.

4. Future- Please pray that this summer’s projects would help clarify my calling. Please pray for clarification on potential jobs for next school year. Please pray for clarity on a job or internship post-graduation.

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